Are you an established bar or restaurant and want to do something different, want to change things up?
Are you a new establishment about to open but still need to handle the entire front of house?
Drinks on the House offers a range of services as a package or individual needs.
consulting adjective:
con' sult' ing
providing professional or expert advice
So, what makes me such the expert? Well, I have lived the 'bar life' since 2014. I have worked all types of environments and I have firsthand experience of what it is like to work establishments that have structure and those that don’t. I also have seen exactly what profits can be when there is a strong front of house.
- Melissa Weaver
Services for New or Established Bars and Restaurants
Restructuring for Success
In the words of Aristotle, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. Structure provides the backbone of every bar and restaurant, without it there is chaos and the inability to maximize profit. Together we will go over what the structure of your establishment will look like. Providing tools such as Check lists, Cost control, Job descriptions, Operational policies and procedures, Training procedures and Training. I design my trainings to meet every style of learner.
A well implemented structure works seamlessly, provides the best service, and maximizes profits.
Every member of management must understand what their role within the establishment is, that is to lead, coach and create stability within the organization.Profits
Are you an established bar or restaurant and think you should be making more money than you are? You are probably right. We will go over everything from menu pricing, sourcing of goods, and more making sure to correct what is affecting your bottom line, in the process ramping up your profits.
And for those starting up a new establishment, we will help you get on the right track from the start by assisting with menu pricing for both front and back of house, as well as financial controls.Coaching
This service is meant as a lifeline for owners/operators, to assist with any issues that are affecting performance and profits. We will go over what is happening and develop an approach to get back on track.Human Relations
Includes assistance in recruiting, hiring, and training the staff.
Management training, and management support.Cocktail Programs
Cocktail and cocktail menu development specifically for your establishment.
- Spirit selection
- Ice program
- Liquor controls
- Inventory development
- Bar equipment and Bar design consulting
Contact me for a free consult